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Image by Kris-Mikael Krister
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Plastic Saved by Föhn

At Föhn Laundry we’re not reinventing a chore - we’re revitalizing it. The smartest way to clean your clothes is now here.
8 Million
About 8 million pieces of plastic end up in our oceans EVERY DAY. Let's get that number down to zero.
Föhn uses 1/3 the amount of fuel and resources to ship and end up in your washing machine
Water heaters and washing machines use a lot of energy. We can cut into the almost 20% of our household energy consumption by switching to cold water laundry detergent, like Föhn.
Laundry is inevitable. With pajamas, dress attire, and everything in between, more than nine in ten American households do their laundry at home.
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Föhn Laundry is made for the detail oriented. For the climate conscious. For the frugal livers. For the planet. Föhn Laundry is made for you.

© 2022 Fohn Laundry, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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